Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, mom!

How are people celebrating Mother's Day this year? Let's see, Nancy Grace used it as an opportunity to give a mothers-crying-over-their-missing-children special (though it aired a few days beforehand). Others are protesting the war, with mom themes. One article tries to use it as an excuse to talk about oil dependency, since our true mother is Mother Earth. Hey, environmentalists: you already got Earth Day; Mother's Day is for human mothers. Unless, of course, you're a mommy cow whose Mother's Day wish is for your baby to not be killed for veal today.

Most are not exploiting the holiday for whatever cause they happen to support, however. What's a better way to celebrate Mother's Day: protesting something or giving birth to quadruplets in Wisconsin?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo! She bake'th me pleasant sweets
and as a suckling washed my tiny feets
verily she heard my bratty bleats
and she hath ironed on my pants their pleats -

8:21 AM  

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